Welcome back to the Firstline Securities Blog. It’s time to “check-in” with our Relationship Manager in Trinidad, Anna Chamely.
Welcome back to the Firstline Securities Blog. It’s time to “check-in” with our Relationship Manager in Trinidad, Anna Chamely.
We are all susceptible. Our only weapons appear to be isolation, social distancing and healthy habits. How can we come together when this virus keeps us apart? Therein lies the test of the human spirit.
We say that trials and tribulations spur growth in character and resolve. Is this our test?
What is obvious is that this virus will not only affect our physical and economic health, but most importantly our mental health.
Psychologist, Louise Hawkley, senior research scientist at the University of Chicago, points to evidence linking perceived social isolation with adverse health consequences including depression, poor sleep quality, impaired executive function, accelerated cognitive decline, poor cardiovascular function and impaired immunity at every stage of life.
Research shows that the magnitude of risk presented by social isolation is very similar in magnitude to that of obesity, smoking, lack of access to care and physical inactivity.
Human beings are social animals and our biological, psychological, and social systems evolved to thrive in collaborative networks of people.
Anxiety is not always related to an underlying condition. It may be caused by:
We can use the internet to connect with family, friends and the world in general.
We can spend our time doing things that we never had time to do – gardening, reading, spring cleaning, watching a Netflix series, learning a new language: (I recommend checking out Babbel.com).
I am sure that everyone has their own personal list.
We have to accept the fact that until an effective vaccine comes to market, life is going to change. Social distancing, face masks and proper hygiene will be the new normal. Our consolation is that we are all together on the same journey.
Let us all support one another, especially those who may be having a harder time coping with these societal changes.
We can do this!