Our Press Team
Our press team loves working with journalists to help spread positive strategies on how to create generational wealth. If you’re a member of the media and would like to talk, please get in touch with us by sending an email to info@firstlinesecurities.com
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Our Story
Firstline Securities Limited was founded in 2005 by Keith M. King. That’s the middle of the story. To find out why we’re really here, let’s jump back a bit.
After well over 2 decades at the top of the finance sector in the english-speaking Caribbean, Mr King noticed something: within the banking world, everyone “knew” what they were supposed to do with their money, however, outside of that world, his friends, family, and their loved ones – all were being productive members of society and crafting incredible careers that would still leave them financially crippled because they did not know what to do with their money. He had noticed that bad financial advice and decisions were being made and that people did not have a place that they felt they could safely go to and ask any question about money without judgement.
Having experienced poverty as a child, Keith knew what many people could be heading towards without intervention. He had a dream that moved him one night – he saw what Trinidad and Tobago would look like if everyone received the real financial guidance that they needed to help them thrive. He saw the eradication of poverty on the island. He saw generational wealth being created within every single Trinbagonian home. He saw a Trinidad & Tobago where all children are born financially wealthy – and people were making decisions based on passion instead of financial necessity. He saw all of this, knew how much God had blessed him, and saw the vision for exactly what it was. He immediately knew what he had to do.

Keith walked away from the institutional world of finance, and founded Firstline Securities Limited – a place to bring his knowledge and skillset directly to help individuals create generational wealth.
This company’s goal is to create wealth for the citizens of Trinidad and Tobago. We envision a future where every Trinbagonian is born into a financially strong family, where everyone can attain true financial independence, and we give our advice with that in mind. Every single client is given not just the down-to-earth, understandable and clear financial advice that they need to thrive, but are also encouraged to get on board with our audacious goal to create a wealthy twin island nation through individual dedication, community education, and the self belief that yes, it’s possible; yes, we can, and yes, we will.
Since 2005, the company has grown and is moving from strength to strength. Now headed by Keith’s daughter, Dalia King, the mission of the company remains sure and ever focused. Clients come to Firstline for non-judgmental financial guidance, designed to help them grow and thrive no matter what position they are in now.
Join us, and be part of this movement of experiencing full financial independence in your lifetime.