The Planner
If you fail to plan, plan to fail. And that’s not on your agenda.
Hello Planner
There is no greater joy for you than organising; and when it comes to your money, you’ve got it all planned out. You make sure your money matters are settled now and in the future.
You have an in-depth understanding of delayed gratification as you are constantly willing to sacrifice pleasure today to ensure comfort tomorrow.
Your planning nature means you have also already mapped out a range of catastrophic scenarios and you likely have financial plans for all of them.

Check, double-check, triple-check
– this crucial habit of yours makes for sound money decisions.

While this long term planning gives you the security and mental comfort you need, if uncontrolled, it will also be the habit that costs you dearly.
There is a fine line between planning and control paranoia. You must stay aware of yourself to make sure you don’t cross into the latter realm. Your dependency on needing to plan will cause you to miss out on opportunities due to being overly critical and then suffering from “analysis paralysis”. This all stems from your unwillingness to compromise, amend the plan or lose control.
What you must remember is that life doesn’t have a pause button. There is no way that you can stop events from happening so that you can plan better outcomes. Life is unexpected.
The truth is: in money and wealth creation, there are no real certainties
– only varying degrees of calculated risk.
You are Cautious
There are many elements to your wealth creation that you can plan, but you must leave ample room for movement and spontaneity.
You must open yourself to taking calculated risks. If you don’t expand the horizons of your savings & investments plan, you may have boxed yourself into an overly weak corner which will not provide the long-term warmth and security that you planned for.
Be careful of being too careful.
What would be perfect for you Planner, is having your own personal financial advisor. Someone who has your back on what would be the actual best plans for you to achieve your financial goals as safely as possible. We’re talking about ourselves of course!
Hop on a call with us to find out exactly how we can help you.