
The Spender

Life is meant to be lived; money is made to be spent.

Hello Spender

You know that money is just a piece in the pie of true wealth. You live by the adage that money is the means to an end, not the end in itself. You work hard so you can play hard.

You don’t suffer from anxiety and sleepless nights over how much money you’re saving. Your goal in life is not about attaining some specific numerical value – it’s about what experiences you want to have, gifts you want to buy, and pleasures you want to be able afford for yourself and your loved ones.

You have a big picture view on wealth,
and you understand that
money is to be traded up for things greater than money itself.

This understanding, and knowing that experiences are the real passions in life, make you incredibly generous and charitable to anyone in need.

While you believe that money was made to be spent, you do suffer from impulsive and impractical purchases which lead you to frequent bouts of regret. You live in the “now”, and tend to leave the future to the future.

This presents a major problem for your future self.

You have not been thinking about the financial health and security of your future self.

You are Spontaneous

Breaking the budget, dipping into savings, and delaying investments may not seem like a big deal now but it will catch up to you when you least expect it.

Life continues to happen no matter what state your bank account is in. You must prepare in order to ensure an enjoyable “future you”.

Respecting your budget isn’t about cramping your style now, it’s about making sure that you can enjoy your future as much as you’re enjoying your present. 

A great way for you to grow your wealth as a Spender, is to be sure to save & invest in products which make it hard for you to withdraw on impulse.

Want some advice on exactly which products would be perfect for you? Hop on a call with us!


Money Personalities


You already know that not everyone shares your life philosophies. The same goes for money: not everyone thinks about money the way you do.

These personality types in particular will clash with you.

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