We see you. We hear you. We’re always there for you.

Whether you’re five years into your career, or five years to the end of it, over the years we’ve realised there are three common strands which run through the investment goals of our clients. You want:
1. Access to both traditional and alternative investment opportunities
2. Long-term, risk-adjusted returns which perform through the revolutions of economic and market cycles
3. Peace of mind while we work on getting you what you need.

Access to Investments
Here at Firstline, we recognise the aspirational drive of individuals who wish to gain access to a sophisticated investment market that provides greater depth and breadth of high return investment opportunities. Traditional banking has well-entrenched barriers that keep this pool of opportunity to a select few and it has been Firstline’s aim from Founding Day One, to level the playing field and open the investment doors to all Caribbean citizens.
- At the outset, we tailor our services to suit varying portfolio sizes so investors can move past that first barrier.
- Through our custom development of secured debt investment opportunities and our working relationships with a powerful cadre of regional and international investment houses, we provide varied participation solutions to our investors that feature attractive, risk-adjusted returns.
- For persons or companies with an Islamic background, Firstline can build a portfolio containing shari’ah compliant securities such as sukuk and shares in local and international companies.
- For those looking to the international markets, we provide brokerage and custodial services and online portfolio access through an international and industry-leading partner. We provide the same level of access and analysis to the international Eurobond market which is as wide-ranging and dynamic as the stock market.
Long-term, Risk-adjusted Returns
In this, Firstline and our clients are well-aligned. We seek the same goals and invest alongside you. In fact, we are often among the largest investors in our own financing solutions and investment portfolios because we know that we’ve put in the work and trust in the outcome.
Our investment philosophy is straightforward and strong: we believe in long-term investing with an emphasis on quality, diversification and the preservation of capital; and we seek to capitalise on investment opportunities within Trinidad and Tobago and the wider Caribbean for the benefit of all.
In order to achieve this, we put a premium on analysis. Investment foresight first requires insight which itself comes out of inherent knowledge, curiosity and inquiry. Our portfolio and risk teams are a collection of forever-questioning, always-debating, never-accepting until at least triple-checking individuals. We say this fondly.
They’re our purveyors of Eureka! investment moments.
Peace of Mind
In addition to investing alongside our clients, Firstline’s wealth management division is guided by a comprehensive and best-practice set of policies and procedures and a rigid structure all of which cover the areas of governance, investment management, risk management, finance and back office operations, internal controls and compliance.
We recognise that no single practice or behaviour guarantees your trust and confidence in us, but we firmly believe that our track record, a talent pipeline of knowledgeable and professional team members bolstered by robust support structures, and the constant clarity of a vision to create wealth for our clients, will lead to our success.
And all of the above is from a company level. But in wealth management, the focus remains on you, the client. Before we can
develop an investment strategy for you, we get to know you. Where do you stand today? Where would you like to be? How can you get there? What’s important to you? This is your financial future and we don’t leave your success up to any generically modelled portfolio. Together, we create an Investment Policy Statement which addresses your goals and objectives, recognises your risk tolerance level, and sets out, among other things, asset allocation, liquidity requirements, time horizons, review and re-balancing periods, performance benchmarks and the investment strategies we agree to use to achieve your objectives.
And what we consider best of all: you’re introduced to, and provided with the ability to make direct connections to all the team members who work on your portfolio – from front, middle to back office.
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